Tag Archives: frozen drinks

My How the Summer Flies By!

Hi Friends! I cannot believe that I have let 3 months slip by without posting a single thing! I am terribly sorry for my lack of blog motivation this past summer, but with a new season comes a fresh start, so here I am, back in action!

First, I want to give a BIG thank you to all of my readers for all of the positive feedback I have received on my DIY pillowcase tutorial! Thank you for the overwhelming number of comments, likes and shares I have received over the past few months! Your support means everything to me and it’s so great to see you guys following along and making pillowcases of your own! I love to hear about your projects and am always open to answering any questions you may have, so please don’t ever hesitate to drop me a line! It is because of you that I’ve decided to come back to my blog and set a new fall resolution for myself (because resolutions aren’t only for New Years, right?), which is to post at least once a week. As much as I would like to post everyday, ever since I moved and started my new job, I have found I just don’t have as much time as I used to. But if I can reach out to all of you at least once a week, then I think it’s a step in the right direction!

So I’ll start this new post with a quick recap of my summer! I don’t know about all of you, but for me, the summer flew by faster than I would have liked. Even so, it was a great summer, filled with trips to the shore, swims in the ocean, frozen drinks outdoors, concerts and baseball games, strolls along the water, and time spent with good friends…

Frozen margaritas were our kick off to summer Friday hours, I went to my first Yankees game (it was a beautiful night!), and attended the opening reception of "The Art of the Brick" at Discovery Times Square

Frozen margaritas were our kick off to summer Friday hours, I went to my first Yankees game (it was a beautiful night!), and attended the opening reception of “The Art of the Brick” at Discovery Times Square

Michael Kiwanuka and Ben Howard played in Central Park, I stumbled upon a carnival in the middle of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and soaked up as much sun as I could down the shore

Michael Kiwanuka and Ben Howard played in Central Park, I stumbled upon a carnival in the middle of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and soaked up as much sun as I could down the shore

I found some awesome new goodies for my apartment, did a little painting of my own, spent a long weekend in LBI with great friends, enjoyed a evening run in Central Park when the weather wasn't too hot, and took a stroll along the High Line

I found some awesome new goodies for my apartment, did a little painting of my own, spent a long weekend in LBI with great friends, enjoyed a evening run in Central Park when the weather wasn’t too hot, and took a stroll along the High Line

And what’s the summer without some good books?

Call Me Zelda by, Erika Robuck (in the spirit of The Great Gatsby); A Constellation of Vital Phenomena by, Anthony Marra (my new favorite book - grab a box of tissues!); Beautiful Ruins by, Jess Walter (take me to Italy!)

Call Me Zelda by, Erika Robuck (in the spirit of The Great Gatsby); A Constellation of Vital Phenomena by, Anthony Marra (my new favorite book – grab a box of tissues!); Beautiful Ruins by, Jess Walter (take me to Italy!)

So there you have it! My summer in a nutshell. What was the highlight of your summer? Are you all ready for fall or are you still trying to make it to the shore one last time and tell yourself that the summer really isn’t over until September 21st (this is clearly what I’m trying to do!)?
